Friday, April 2, 2010


Monday, at the end of the day I still had the energy to post a blog. By the end of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, I was bone tired and had only the energy to eat dinner and head for bed.

We started Tuesday by taking Metro downtown and walking to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. As you might expect, it's filled with full size whales,

and dinosaurs,

and elephants along with lots of people. This is spring break for many students. It's cherry blossom time and it's easter week.

There are special things to see like the "Hope Diamond".

Natural gem stones of many all the colors of the rainbow.

I thought of our grandson, Ryder, when I read the introduction to the exhibit on Charles Darwin.

We spent the entire day in this museum and still did not see everything there was to see. When we left, we took a late afternoon walk to catch our first look at the Washington monument.

We had dinner at The Old Ebbitt Grill. This was a recommendation of our neighbor, Judy Daufel. We had a wonderful meal and loved "people watching".

After dinner we took a walk past the White House before heading back to the Metro for our half hour ride home.

The first day was great, but boy were we tired.

I'll catch up more tomorrow.

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